Selecting Wines for the Restaurant
There are 100’s of wines out there and wine distributors come to visit us constantly (we love it). Each distributor comes to see us about 2 times a month. We work with 10 of them. When they visit they bring anywhere from 1 to 10 wines to sample. That’s a lot of wine! And we have not even begun to tap into the possibilities out there.
So it is an undertaking to sample and select. We try to be as logical as possible. We want what every restaurant wants… to pick wines that our customers will like and BUY. After all we are here to make money.
Our process has evolved to four of us taste each wine. We have an expert of varietals (that would be Keith - and if we need further expertise we can always call in Will, a person that prefers whites, a person that prefers sparkling and a person that watches the money. We like lots of wines and we pay attention to the wines our customers like to purchase.
We know we have a winner when all four of us like the wine, but when only one person likes it we have to think it thru more. Do you have a favorite wine that we carry? Do you want to see more of a particular flavor profile? Alert us, we want to have a great wine list for OUR customers.